We have access to international, regional and domestic reinsurance markets to place risks. We provide relevant expert solutions to our local regional and international partners through facultative treaty and retrocession reinsurance arrangements

Facultative Reinsurance

Fachs reinsurance division provides expert advice and intermediary solutions to insurers seeking to place their risks on a facultative basis in the local, regional and international markets.


We have got access to the Lloyds market for specialised risks such as political risks and terrorism.



Treaty Reinsurance

  • Fachs Reinsurance broking services assists local, regional and international insurers by arranging and negotiating treaty reinsurance to augment the underwriting capacity of our insurance partners. Our expert and experienced reinsurance personnel will provide you with the solutions that will align with your underwriting growth strategy.



Reinsurance for captives

Cell captive insurance companies and rent-a-cell captives require reinsurance protection in order to reduce their net exposure to catastrophe losses as well as peak risks. We arrange tailor-made facultative and treaty reinsurance through specialist local, regional and international insurers.

Reinsurance Technical Audits

The effectiveness of any reinsurance programme is dependent on the accurate and proper implementation of the programme. Most often, insurers and reinsurers purchase the best possible reinsurance programme but still fail to see the benefits because of various reasons which include the following:

  • Wrong cessions done at policy level when processing transactions.
  • Claims recoveries not done correctly according the reinsurance cessions.
  • Failure to apportion insurance reserves according to the reinsurance structure.
  • Late notification to reinsurers leading to claim rejection.
  • Late recoveries of reinsurance claims leading to loss of revenue and liquidity strain.
  • Wrong transaction processing leads to production of wrong treaty statistics and ultimately, an expensive programme which is not costs effective
Festive / After-Hours Contact Numbers: 083 399 9676, 083 999 6777 & 060 568 5426.